Artist: Kit Eastman
Monday, May 2, 2011 at 3:57PM
Kit Eastman, a St. Paul, Minnesota based textile artist is currently creating hand-painted objects in the Japanese tradition of katazome, or stencil-dyeing, using natural dyes on linen, cotton and silk. The following pieces are available in our showroom and are absolutely beautiful in person! In this collection, Kit has employed multiple dyeing and printing techniques on fabric, as well as simple piecing and stitching to convey her thoughts about the urban landscape near her St. Paul home.
Remembered Contours - dyes and pigments on silk organza and cotton
Morning Doves
dyes and pigments on silk organza and cotton
Caw en Repose I
dyes and pigments on cotton/linen – embellished
Caw en Repose II
dyes and pigments on cotton/linen – embellished
To view more of Eastman’s work, visit our showroom or the artist’s blog:
tagged artist, kit eastman, showroom
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